We get a long overdue update on Sam’s budding McDonald’s romance. Also some stuff about networking with old white men.
We get a long overdue update on Sam’s budding McDonald’s romance. Also some stuff about networking with old white men.
Tales of eckscape rooms, pointless reviews of concerts that you weren’t at, Jacob’s ladders, and more bull shit.
First Sam’s got a story about having to subject his poor innocent boy to some horrible shots. Then we talk about the Lacy Peterson documentary and Scott Peterson’s incredibly convictable face. This week’s bonus content is a weird family update involving murder and suicide. It’s weird. Definitely don’t check it out if you don’t feel up to it, otherwise go to patreon.com/shoeshine and pledge like nothing.
First we talk at length about someone’s inexplicable taste in movies then we talk about the laser elephant in the room.
It’s special guest Andrew Torrez from Opening Arguments! And then we basically just do the show like normal.