Carbs are the enemy.
Category: Podcast
CS124: Thomas Was Wrong About Emojis
This episode was great, and the bonus part was really funny so I am leaving it in the main show. You’re welcome! But next time you’ll have to go to to hear!
CS123: Pristine Taco Bell and Compost
CS122: Live via Satellite
Sorry for the delay, had some scheduling issues but via satellite technology, sam is here! The Europe jokes are over! Just one more little thing. And then Sam has some crucial softball updates.
CS121: Europe Isn’t America Part 2
There are even more reasons why Europe isn’t America. More funny observations on this topic!
CS120: Europe Isn’t America
It’s a bunch of observations from Thomas’s Europe trip! And Thomas let Sam speak for a few minutes toward the end with a great tipping story. But definitely don’t miss the boner content over on where Sam reveals a get rich quick scheme!!!
CS119: Law’d Awful Movies 4: Changing Lanes, Part 2
Part 2 of this hilariously bad movie!!
CS118: Law’d Awful Movies 4: Changing Lanes, Part 1
Here for all Shoosh listeners is our critique of the hilariously bad Changing Lanes!
CS117: Haven’t Heard Back from Our Pen Pals
Here’s a shoosh episode, wtf do I need to tell you anything about it for. You’re either listening or not listening. Also this one was pretty good, especially the bonus content.
CS116: Blowing the Lid Right Off Everything
Today we bring you some hard hitting investigative journalism on like 12 things. The world won’t ever be the same.
CS124: Thomas Was Wrong About Emojis
This episode was great, and the bonus part was really funny so I am leaving it in the main show. You’re welcome! But next time you’ll have to go to to hear!
CS123: Pristine Taco Bell and Compost
CS122: Live via Satellite
Sorry for the delay, had some scheduling issues but via satellite technology, sam is here! The Europe jokes are over! Just one more little thing. And then Sam has some crucial softball updates.
CS121: Europe Isn’t America Part 2
There are even more reasons why Europe isn’t America. More funny observations on this topic!
CS120: Europe Isn’t America
It’s a bunch of observations from Thomas’s Europe trip! And Thomas let Sam speak for a few minutes toward the end with a great tipping story. But definitely don’t miss the boner content over on where Sam reveals a get rich quick scheme!!!
CS119: Law’d Awful Movies 4: Changing Lanes, Part 2
Part 2 of this hilariously bad movie!!
CS118: Law’d Awful Movies 4: Changing Lanes, Part 1
Here for all Shoosh listeners is our critique of the hilariously bad Changing Lanes!
CS117: Haven’t Heard Back from Our Pen Pals
Here’s a shoosh episode, wtf do I need to tell you anything about it for. You’re either listening or not listening. Also this one was pretty good, especially the bonus content.
CS116: Blowing the Lid Right Off Everything
Today we bring you some hard hitting investigative journalism on like 12 things. The world won’t ever be the same.