CS111: The Damn Dam Done Broke

We’re currently podcasting from under water because there’s some sort of problem related to the Oroville dam which is pretty close to where we live. What is that problem? Well you could read a news story for 3 seconds and figure it out or just have no idea because you’re too lazy or something. Somehow no one is able to just read information and process it. When I say no one I just mean like most people. And maybe not even most, just a really painfully visible subsection of people online who are the worst and probably voted for Trump or something.


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One Comment

  1. Hi Thomas,

    I just listened to your CS podcast and had to write. My outlook on life, tastes and opinions are very aligned with yours. I love listening to your podcasts and I really miss T and the B. Any plans to start that up again? I was a patreon contributor for that show but I am thinking I should move my contributions to one of your others. Anyway, I wanted to write because I too love ice cream! It is my favorite dessert and I could easily give up all other sweets if I could just have ice cream and chocolate. So I want to let you know about Yonana (https://www.amazon.com/Yonanas-Frozen-Healthy-Dessert-Maker/dp/B005083ECS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1487167513&sr=8-1&keywords=yonana) a delicious way to eat a guilt-free frozen treat! Plus the name Yonana always makes me smile.


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